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School Life


There are more than 60 clubs, student publications, community service organizations, and music and performance ensembles at Calvert Hall.
By participating in an extracurricular activity (or several!), our students continue to develop a range of skills, including leadership, working with others, responsibility, and self-discipline.

Run by students from all class years, the full list of clubs and organizations is below. If you don’t see the club or activity you’re looking for, start it! All clubs (unless specified) are open to all students and grade levels.

School Service Clubs

List of 12 items.

  • The Ambassador Club

    The Ambassador Club is a select group of young men who are passionate about The Hall. Coordinated by the Director of Admissions, these students will accompany Mr. Mulford to high school fairs and middle school visits, representing Calvert Hall and interacting with prospective students and families.  Another key role during an Ambassador’s career at The Hall is his opportunity to be a tour guide at our annual Open House.  An individual tour with a prospective student and family seals the deal, as young men make their high school choice.  Finally, freshmen ambassadors play a unique role in the legacy of Calvert Hall, as they are chosen based on requests or interests to spend the day with an 8th grader when they sign up to be Cardinal for a Day.  Be an ambassador and help future Men of Intellect, Men of Faith and Men of Integrity.

    Moderator:  Mr. Wellein
  • The Breakfast Club

    The Breakfast Club is a group open to all students who want to celebrate differences as well as discover what they might have in common. Sometimes, it takes a while to figure out where you “fit”. Sometimes you wonder if anyone could possibly understand where you are coming from. Sometimes, your interests feel like they are so unusual. The Breakfast Club is about people from different walks of life coming together to share and support each other around all things in all ways. It's low stakes, high reward and a wonderful opportunity to build even more community here at Calvert Hall.

    Moderator: Ms. Conley
  • The Cardinal Branch

    The Cardinal Branch of First Financial Federal Credit Union is a fully operational credit union staffed by CHC students. Student interns and a faculty advisor operate the branch on a daily basis with set hours to serve the CHC community. Each intern is trained to perform all credit union functions including member deposits, withdraws, and other financial transactions. The intern staff develops monthly events and marketing strategies to promote the branch and financial literacy.  In addition to teaching students how to manage their money, the student-run branch also provides valuable business experience for students who are considering a career in the finance industry. The Cardinal Branch is open Monday-Thursday throughout the year.

    Moderator:  Mr. Greco and Mrs. Mary Lou Healy
  • CHC TV

    CHC TV is the school's television station providing broadcasts and special features to the student body. The club trains students in the technical aspect of television production as well as instructs on-air personalities.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator:  Mr. Knight and Mr. Reilly
  • Communications Club

    The Communications Club provides live color commentary for several Varsity athletic teams, develops photography talents, and fine-tunes business savvy social media skills.

    Mrs. Hladky
  • Dance Committee (Hall Night Long)

    The Hall Night Long Committee (Dances) is responsible for all CHC Hall Night Long events and special dances at Calvert Hall. Likewise, each member is asked to help set up and work at a designated number of events throughout the year. This committee is also responsible for selecting the DJs that perform as well as for choosing themes and for decorating.  These events provide positive social interaction for CHC students and young ladies from throughout the Baltimore area and surrounding high schools.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator:  Mr. Freeman
  • The Green Initiative

    The Green Initiative promotes a society where people are aware of the consequences of their actions as they impact upon the environment in which they live. The Initiative does this by educating its members who in turn educate the rest of the school community. Its activities include recycling efforts, hosting guest speakers, participating in the school’s programs dealing with the environment, and providing service to community environmental efforts.

    Moderator: Mrs. Robertson
  • The Hall, the School Newspaper

    The Hall, the school newspaper, is a letter-earning activity and thus satisfies a critical National Honor Society requirement. The customary threshold for earning a “freshman letter” is several published articles during a school year. Writers and graphic artists do not need to attend weekly meetings – they need only to turn in quality work for their reward. The activity provides an opportunity for students to write news, features and sports stories, editorials, and to create various graphics of interest to the CHC community. The Hall promotes improved writing in a variety of disciplines, offers aspiring writers the satisfaction of being published, and gives dedicated contributors the option of serving as club officers after freshman year.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mrs. Manni
  • The Odyssey, Literary Magazine

    A revival of an old Calvert Hall tradition, The Odyssey is a literary magazine publishing student art and photography, as well as poetry and prose writing. The Odyssey aims to give students an outlet to share their artistic abilities with the wider Calvert Hall community, encouraging their creative pursuits and assisting in the growth of their skills.

    Moderator: TBD
  • Peer Education

    The Peer Educators serve as strong role models for the freshmen class. They consist of a diverse group of leaders who dedicate a significant amount their time to their peers. Training for the peer educators is an on-going process involving an overnight retreat and weekly team meetings that begin in September and continue through March. Teams of three peer educators then meet regularly with the freshmen, instructing and discussing issues of interest to the freshmen. The key factor in all Peer Education lessons is making healthy decisions. Some topics include: effective decision making, appropriate use of social media, speaking up, dealing with loss, respect and relationships, and alcohol and other drugs. The success of the program, since its inception, has been due to the dedication of the peer educators and their unique ability to establish strong relationships with the freshmen.

    Moderator: Ms. Conley
  • Student Council - Class Presidents and Homeroom Representatives

    The Student Council is made up of both an Executive Board of class leaders as well as dozens of homeroom representatives. The Executive Board of the Student Council meets regularly to plan tradition events such as The Beginning, Sophomore Tie-In Night, Junior Ring Ceremony, Senior 100 Nights, Senior Crab Feast, Proms, Mama Mia Dinner, Wacky Wednesdays, Grandparents Day, Zeal Week, and more! The Executive Board is made up of the Student Body President, a Chief of Staff, the Communication Director, the Spirit Director, the Head of Houses, and elected Class Presidents for each grade. Homeroom Representatives are elected by each grade to lead each homeroom. Homeroom Representatives are crucial members of the Student Council who communicate information from their homeroom to the board and who serve as key communicators for events and drives throughout the year.

    Freshman can learn more HERE.

    Moderators: Mr. Parisi, Mr. Tuck (Ad Hoc), Mr. DeStefano (Senior), Mr. Motsay (Director of House System), Mr. Flannery (Sophomore), Ms. Conley (Junior), Mrs. Rocco (Freshmen), Mr. Adam Moore (Spirit)

  • The Yearbook (Cardinal & Gold)

    The Cardinal & Gold is the school's yearbook. It strives to capture exciting and memorable events of the year through photography and words. Staff members have the opportunity to develop skills in computer page layout and visual design editing as well as discover talents in writing and photography. Our goal this year will be to produce an outstanding full-color yearbook that is even better than last year’s book. For several years, the staff has received First Place from the American Scholastic Press Association. 

    Click HERE to view info flyer

    Moderator: Ms. Creamer and Ms. Ellis

Fine Arts Clubs

List of 10 items.

  • Chamber Ensembles

    The Chamber Ensembles consist of instrumentalists who look to improve fundamental skills through a small ensemble setting.  These ensembles will perform chamber style literature with intent to open the students to music generally not performed in the concert ensembles.  Attention will be made on individual musicianship as it relates to performing within a small ensemble.

    Moderator:  Mr. Ecton, Mr. Smith, and Dr. Wilkerson
  • Concert Band

    The Concert Band is comprised of 9th – 10th graders and focuses on the fundamentals of playing an instrument.  This group is geared towards our first year members.  The Concert Band will expose students to a wide selection of music while developing characteristic tone quality and fostering sight reading skills.  The Concert Band is designed to prepare and develop students for the increased demands of the Symphonic Band.

    Moderator:  Mr. Ecton, Mr. Smith, and Dr. Wilkerson
  • The Corridors

    The Corridors is a vocal ensemble of approximately 8 – 10 singers selected from the members of the Hallmen by audition for the study, rehearsal, and performance of music more suited to a small vocal ensemble, including popular music, vocal jazz, motets and madrigals.  Beyond their responsibilities as members of the Hallmen, the corridors will prepare and present a number of additional performances both on and off-campus.

    Moderator: Dr. Wilkerson
  • The Hallmen

    This ensemble is open to all students, 9-12 by audition. The group competes in the Men’s Choir division at festivals, and their repertoire consists of large accompanied and unaccompanied works written for men’s choir. They sing at many special functions (Turkey Bowl, Open House, etc.) and are the featured choral ensemble for the Christmas and Spring Concerts. The group also takes part in the annual AIMS Choral Festival and district and state assessments and often combines with local all-girls’ schools for mixed choir performances.
    This ensemble meets during the school day as a regularly scheduled class. 

    Moderator: Dr. Wilkerson
  • Jazz Ensemble

    The Jazz Ensemble (Jazz Orchestra, Big Band, Jazz Lab & Jazz Combo) is comprised of talented musicians who provide entertainment by capturing the sounds of the big band era, jazz standards, and pop classics. Membership into Jazz Ensembles is by audition only and placement into the specific Jazz Ensemble will be dependent on the student’s performance during the audition. The Jazz Combo is a select group from the Jazz program who exemplify the best in improvisation, sight-reading, and small group performance. They perform a variety of jazz standards and pop classics which are often times arranged by the combo members.

    Moderators: Mr. Ecton
  • Marching Band (Football)

    The Marching Band (Football) is one of the most visual groups at Calvert Hall appearing at football games and parades throughout the year.  Membership involves everyone in the Instrumental Music Department, except “jazz-only students” (those who play guitars, piano, etc.)

    The Competitive Marching Band involves approximately eighty voluntary members of the Music Department. The group is similar in design to the Football Marching Band with the exception that the group travels throughout the state and surrounding areas competing in the US Band marching band circuit.   Both groups include a Color Guard. The Color Guard adds color and pageantry to the outdoor performance and is open to young men and women in grades nine through twelve.

    Moderators:  Mr. Ecton, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Tuck
  • Rock Band Club

    The Rock Band Club consists of students who are interested in singing and/or playing music of various styles within the rock music genre. The club is open to anyone. It is not part of the Calvert Hall Band Program; i.e. you do not have to be a member of the band. It is primarily student-led with coaching from the moderator on the basics of rock music performance. Students supply their own instruments. 

    Click HERE for additional info.

    Moderator: Dr. Wilkerson
  • Symphonic Band

    The Symphonic Band is comprised of 9th – 12th graders and focuses on developing musicianship. With a wide range of ability levels, the Symphonic Band is dedicated to = developing characteristic tone quality and fostering sight reading skills. In addition, the group strives to explore both traditional symphonic band repertoire as well as contemporary works. The Symphonic Band is designed to prepare and develop students to perform at the extremely demanding level of the Wind Ensemble.

    Moderator: Mr. Ecton, Mr. Smith, and Dr. Wilkerson
  • Theatre Club

    The Theatre Club is the Performing Arts/Drama Club at Calvert Hall which strives to instill a sense of self-worth in the student by providing a forum for his creative abilities in the theatrical area. The club also provides theatrical instruction and technical crew experience for members. The theatre club performs two main stage productions each school year. CHC students and talented young ladies from surrounding high schools are encouraged to audition. 

    Click HERE to learn more about the Theatre program!

    Moderator: Mrs. Carroll
  • Wind Ensemble

    The Wind Ensemble is the premier instrumental music group at Calvert Hall. The ensemble is dedicated to stretching the limits of the individual musician, as well as the whole ensemble. The Wind Ensemble explores the standard symphonic band repertoire, as well as contemporary works for concert band. Students are selected by audition and represent some of the most talented musicians at Calvert Hall.

    Moderator: Mr. Ecton

Culture Clubs

List of 10 items.

  • Asian Student Association

    The Asian Student Association’s purpose is to celebrate Asian history, culture, and heritage. Its goal is to bring the Asian population here at Calvert Hall closer together. The club will serve as the main source of representation for the Asian community here at school. ASA will also help give the Asian population here a sense of pride for their nationality while creating a place for non-Asians to learn more about Asia’s culture. Our main source of discussion is being Asian in America, considering how it affects our lives in positive and negative ways, and comparing it to life in the East. Besides discussing being Asian in America, we will talk about current events related to Asian topics both in the East and in America relating to Asians. Outside of meetings, we go to Asian restaurants, festivals, or events and collaborate with similar clubs at other schools.

    Moderator: Mrs. Knapp & Mrs. Clark
  • The Black Student Union (BSU)

    The mission of the Black Student Union (BSU) is to provide an environment that encourages discussions and activities of interest to those who wish to learn more about the history, contributions, and accomplishments of the people of African descent.  The BSU is not exclusive, and it recognizes the importance of cultural awareness among all ethnicities.  The club emphasis is on the development of philosophies and values which will benefit club members and the entire CHC community. While a portion of the club focuses on history, the club intends to use the lessons learned from it to better the future.  The BSU is committed on a daily basis to creating an understanding of African American history, respect for diversity, and acknowledgement that we are one people.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Brooks & Dr. Van Gaal
  • The Eastern European Culture Club

    The Eastern European Culture Club welcomes members from any ethnic/cultural background.  The mission of the club is to learn about and embrace the cultures of the Slavic countries in Europe including but not limited to Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.  The club explores the rich diversity of each country while learning about the many cultural areas that unite their Slavic heritage.

    Click HERE to view the 2024-2025 information flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Dobrzycki
  • The Hispanic Council

    The Hispanic Council brings together Hispanic voices/faces of the school to promote the hispanic culture within the CHC community. Working alongside other diversity groups like the Black Student Union and Asian Student Association, the Hispanic Council will promote important hispanic issues to the school, especially during Hispanic Heritage Month.  The Hispanic Council also works to congratulate and encourage members of the Hispanic Community for their awards/achievements within the school community. Finally, the Hispanic Culture Club is a link to other Hispanic groups in our community to provide service and other opportunities for our students.

    Moderator: TBD
  • The French Club

    The French Club is a group which strives to give students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of French life and culture beyond the classroom. Bi-monthly club meetings have presented activities such as reading and writing letters to pen pals, viewing videos and films, singing songs, tasting foods, and playing French games.

    Moderators: Ms. d’Ecclesia and Mr. Goudou
  • The Irish Club

    The Irish Club, while not limited to those of Irish heritage, explores the rich and varied culture of the small island variously called Eire, Eirann, Hibernia, 'The Auld Sod', IRELAND. We will explore Irish culture through its arts (music, films) Gaelic dance, food and history as expressions of this unique people. Relevant excursions will be made to places of cultural interest in the greater Baltimore Area. Meetings will be quarterly.  

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderators:  Mrs. Grzech and Dr. Van Gaal
  • The Italian Club

    The Italian Club strives to instill in its members greater appreciation for Italian and American-Italian culture by offering opportunities for the student to explore traditions of Italians in Italy and the United States within a social setting. The Italian club meets regularly in order to plan events. We celebrate the Italian culture with food, fun, and fellowship!

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderators: Mrs. Butarrazzi
  • The Latin Club

    The central focus of the Latin club is the appreciation of the Latin language and Roman culture. Membership of the Maryland Junior Classical League is encouraged - members will be able to participate in competitions, excursions, and conventions hosted by the JCL. During meetings the Latin club will experience the food and performances enjoyed in Roman times or watch movies/documentaries related to the Ancient Mediterranean World. All CHC students are welcome, no prior Latin experience needed!

    Moderator: Dr. Mueller
    Read More
  • The Middle Eastern Club

    The Middle Eastern Cultures Club explores the similarities and differences between the Middle Eastern cultures across regions and countries.  The club meets monthly to engage in discussion on food, language, history, and religion.  We will share presentations inside school and meet with other Middle Eastern Clubs at neighboring private schools.  All cultures invited to participate! We encourage everyone to learn more about the regions, traditions, and social cultures of the Middle Eastern region.  Come and enjoy Calvert Hall’s newest culture club.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mrs. Bassett
  • The Spanish Club

    The Spanish Club strives to instill in its members a greater appreciation for the Spanish speaking community by offering opportunities for the student to explore, in greater depth, the Hispanic culture. Music, literature, film, and other culture-related activities comprise the agenda.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: TBD

Faith Clubs

List of 6 items.

  • Campus Ministry

    Campus Ministry promotes the dignity of each member of the school community by sharing and explaining the principles and values offered in the Gospel message. The department enlists student peer ministers in conducting retreat days, prayer services, school-wide liturgies, and other student support programs. Several times during the year students are given opportunities to perform hands-on service in places that are outside the Baltimore community.  Sophomores, juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply to work on a house in Virginia through Habitat for Humanity.  Students from both Calvert Hall and Notre Dame Prep spend a week in the summer working together on this project.  Students interested in this trip should speak with Mr. Collins in Campus Ministry.  Juniors and Seniors can apply to go to Browning, Montana in the winter to spend a week tutoring at “De LaSalle Blackfeet”, a Christian Brother’s run middle school.  Students travel across the country to live on the Blackfeet Indian reservation.  While on the reservation, students will learn about native American culture and spirituality, see what life on a reservation is like, and also get an opportunity to tutor in the school.  Any interested students can speak with Mr. Collins in Campus Ministry

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderators: Mr. Collins, Ms. Fasy, and Mr. McCormick
  • Casa Club (Court Appointed Special Advocates)

    CASA of Baltimore's mission is to provide court appointed special advocates to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children involved in Baltimore’s juvenile court system to encourage reunification, help them find a permanent family, and reach their full potential. High School CASA Club is a student-led, student-initiated organization on a school campus that works with CASA of Baltimore County to provide advocates for children in the foster care system.
    The primary goals of the CASA Club are:
    • Awareness - Generate awareness of CASA and the needs of foster care children in your community. Educate teachers, parents, alumnae, etc., about CASA.
    • Recruitment - Through education and awareness of the program, recruit more CASA volunteers.
    • Fundraising – Raise money for CASA of Baltimore County to allow us to serve more children in the Baltimore area. (Every little bit helps!)
    • Annual 5K and Fun Run - Support and recruit participants for the annual CASA Wacky Tacky 5K and Fun Run.
    Click HERE to view an info sheet about the CASA Club!

    Moderator: Mrs. Sanchez-Gonzalez
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

    Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): is an interdenominational Christian ministry committed to the mental, physical, and spiritual development of the total athlete. We seek to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church in order to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. FCA challenges coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel. 

    Click HERE to view the 2024-2025 information flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Dobrzycki
  • The Lasallian Youth for Justice

    The Lasallian Youth for Justice is a group of students interested in exploring and taking action on issues of social justice both locally and globally.  Students help raise awareness within the school community, touching on poverty and hunger, peace, education and more.  They also participate in the school’s charitable drives and the community service events each year. During the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, donations are collected and delivered to needy families. Later in the year, the Christian Brothers sponsor a special collection for their missionary activities. The community service includes such activities as serving food at local soup kitchens and shelters and tutoring elementary school students.

    Moderator: Ms. Fasy
  • The Liturgy Band

    The Liturgy Band is a student-led and run band that plays for all the school-wide liturgies. Any student with musical abilities looking to get involved should see Mr. Clark or Mr. King. Students meet weekly throughout the year to prepare to serve in this unique Music ministry at the Hall.

    Moderator: Mr. Collins
  • Peer Ministry

    Peer Ministry - The word ministry comes from the Greek word for “serving at table.” Peer Ministry, therefore, is a selected group of thirty juniors and seniors that are trained to “walk with” their peers. Peer Ministry is simply one student helping another student cope with the stresses of everyday life with an open and accepting attitude. For the peer ministers, ministry isn’t necessarily about changing others. It is about changing themselves so that they can become better friends to those on the journey. Peer Ministry isn’t about fixing problems or taking away others’ pain, but it is about sharing struggles and being compassionate friends. Peers are there for any student who needs someone to talk or walk with them on their journey. In terms of the program, peer ministers have a large role in CHC’s junior retreat program. Every peer writes and presents a “witness talk” on retreat, sharing his experiences and his faith journey. Peers also facilitate small group discussions and lead prayer. Peers also lead prayer experiences on our Freshman and Sophomore retreats as well. Peers provide examples and role models to younger students in their capacity as retreat leaders. The goal of the program is to get students involved in, and thinking more about, their own faith. The peers are a voice for the Campus Ministry Office and recruit other students for service opportunities, liturgical ministries, and prayer experiences throughout the year.

    Moderator: Mr. Collins, Ms. Fasy, and Mr. McCormick

Athletics Clubs

List of 8 items.

  • Bocce Ball Club

    The Bocce Ball club is a recreational club that meets throughout the Fall and Spring so long as weather permits.  The Bocce Ball Club meets on the Bocce Ball court which is located next to the tennis courts behind the outfield of the Crispino Stadium.  The club typically meets from 3-4PM, weather permitting. 

    Club Moderator: Brother Len Rhoades, FSC
  • Intramurals

    Intramural's provide an opportunity for students to participate in athletics apart from interscholastic competition. These activities promote teamwork, provide opportunities for physical development, foster faculty-student interaction, and expand student skills for lifetime athletic activity. Intramural offerings include soccer, basketball, dodgeball, bowling, archery, and ultimate frisbee. While some of the activities are held in the afternoon, other sports are held in the evening in the school's gym.

    Moderator: Mr. Freeman
  • Lawn Games Club

    The Lawn Games Club is a combination of different activities including Cornhole, spikeball, hackey sack and more! Throughout each month there will be tournaments, practice, and lessons. Come out and have fun playing different lawn games!

    Click HERE for info flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Flannery
  • Martial Arts/Boxing Club

    The Martial Arts/Boxing Club was created for students to build self-confidence and self-respect through learning self-defense.  Students will practice techniques from forms such as Taekwondo, boxing, judo, and other forms of self-defense. Students with and without experience are welcome to attend. Mr. Freeman has been studying martial arts since October 1986.  Mr. Freeman earned his black belt in the Spring of 1989 and has continued to train throughout his life. 

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Freeman
  • Pickleball Club

    Come learn how to play and participate in America's fastest-growing sport -- Pickleball! Throughout the Fall season, the Pickleball Club will host tournaments and games on the tennis courts where you will quickly learn how to play the game and eventually dominate the court! 

    Moderator: Mrs. Buttarazzi
  • Sailing Club

    The Sailing Club is one of CHC's newest clubs! This club meets twice a week in the fall/spring and takes guys on the water at the Baltimore Sailing Center! From newbies to experienced sailers, everyone in the Sailing Club gets classroom instruction, on the water training, and more! Students in the Sailing Club will get a CHC sailing uniform and participate in Regatta's!

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Ms. Makowski
  • Ski Club

    The Ski Club is responsible for providing ski opportunities for students several times throughout the winter. The Ski Club will go on a handful of ski evenings to Roundtop and Liberty. Students should sign up for each trip, no experience necessary. In the past, the Ski Club has also organized a yearly ski trip to Seven Springs but the trip is dependent on student interest and costs each year.

    Moderator: Mr. Luczak
  • Weightlifting Club

    The Weightlifting club meets weekly in the performance center under the direction of a faculty member. The weightlifting club is open to all beginner students as a way to learn more about the proper techniques of weightlifting. Students will learn healthy ways to workout and will be given opportunities to put those skills into practice weekly from 2:45 - 3:30PM.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. DeStefano

Honor Societies

List of 2 items.

  • The National Honor Society

    Membership in the Calvert Hall Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. Our chapter strives to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The National Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all of these areas. NHS members are required to tutor students in the Academic Resource Center, attend chapter meetings, assist with events, such as Freshmen Orientation, Back to School Night, College Fair, and Open House, and any additional services requested by the Principal or Adviser.

    Moderator: Mrs. Urban
  • The Science National Honor Society

    The Science National Honor Society recognizes rising seniors for their outstanding academic success in honors and advanced placement science courses, participation in extra-curricular activities and exemplary behavior.  Students who qualify and are selected into membership are encouraged to pursue studies that develop scientific ideas, advance personal knowledge of classical and modern science, dialogue with the scientific community, aid the school community with its understanding of science, participate in service opportunities and develop an appreciation for the role science plays in our ever-changing world.  Chapter members are directly involved in specific school events and community activities, and attend scholarly presentations.

    Moderator: Mr. Motsay

Special Interest Clubs

List of 10 items.

  • Chess Club

    The Chess club meets every other Wednesday in the Lasalle Center after school from 3-4PM. The chess club hosts a tournament once a year but otherwise is a fun gathering of students to learn and play chess.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mrs. McKee
  • Crokinole Club

    Crokinole Club is for all fans of the classic Canadian tabletop game. If you enjoy shuffleboard, board games, billiards, or curling you will love Crokinole! Come out to club meetings and learn a new game!

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Ufnar
  • Culinary Club

    The CHC Culinary Club (aka the Gastro-Cards) seeks to utilize fully immersive dining experiences in order to understand and explore food science, dining design, and a variety of culinary techniques. Club members will further their knowledge of these topics and gain an appreciation of the nuances of meal preparation through participation in practical, hands-on cooking opportunities.

    Moderators: Mr. Fan
  • Eagles Nest

    The Eagles Nest is designed as a way for Calvert Hall students who are members of the Boy Scouts of America to support one another as they rise in rank to become Eagle Scouts.
    As Scouts, we honor our commitment to uphold the core values of the Scout Oath and Law in our daily lives.  As students, we pledge to support the core values of the De LaSalle Christian Brothers as they associate with lay faculty, staff and students in the work of education.
    Our mission is to offer our collective gifts and talents, dedication and accomplishments to bring about a positive and measurable difference in the brotherhood at Calvert Hall.  We do this through service to the school and the greater community at large while maintaining a commitment to God and country.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mr. Motsay
  • Film Club

    The goal of the Film Club is to encourage discussion and analysis of films and create a relaxed atmosphere for students to view screenings and expand their media understanding. 

    Moderator: Mr. Miserendino
  • Fishing Club

    The Calvert Hall Fishing Club is the perfect catch for students who love the great outdoors, enjoy spending time by the water, and have a passion for fishing.  Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a novice with a curiosity for the sport, our club provides a welcoming environment for all skill levels.  Throughout the course of the year, we plan to organize a series of events ranging from fishing expeditions and competitions to guest speakers such as professional anglers and fisheries biologists.  It’s not just about catching fish; it’s about fostering friendships, promoting The Brotherhood, and appreciating the beauty of our local lakes, rivers, and streams.

    Moderator: Mr. Buch
  • Games Club

    The Games Club meets weekly and allows students an opportunity to play card games and board games. The club is driven by student interest and the games that are played every week are often brought in by the club members. We encourage members to teach others how to play their favorite games and to teach each other good gamesmanship. 

    Moderator: Mr. Luczak
  • Math Team

    Members of the math team utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills in a competition-based setting. The team participates in the Maryland Math League and the American Mathematics Contest and meets twice a month. The team is always looking for new members - everyone who loves math and competition is welcome!

    Moderator: Dr. Connor
  • Military and Police Interest Club

    The Military and Police Interest Club was formed in November of 2001 to serve as a forum for students interested in the fields of law enforcement and/or the military. MPIC routinely invites law enforcement and military professionals to CHC to discuss careers, techniques, and active deployment. Prior guests have included Baltimore County Police bomb squad and K9, Maryland State Police Warrant Apprehension Task Force, and faculty from the US Army War College.  Finally, MPIC acts as a liaison between the CHC community and the law enforcement and military communities, with many of our current members serving as Police Explorers and Civil Air Patrol members, as well as former MPIC members serving as active duty military and law enforcement.

    Click HERE to view an info sheet and learn more!

    Moderator: Mr. Sundell (2004 graduate of the 18th Baltimore County Police Department Citizens’ Academy and 2006 Graduate of the 7th FBI Baltimore Field Division Citizen’s Academy)
  • Politics Club

    The Calvert Hall Politics Club is dedicated to engaging and educating students about the political process. Its mission is to provide a platform for discussion and action on issues that take place on a local, state, and national level. It will accomplish this through meeting with local political leaders, hosting phone banks, advocating for important policies, and providing resources for students to better understand how the government works.

    Moderator: Mr. Buch

Inter-Scholastic Clubs

List of 9 items.

  • Cyber Security Club

    The Cyber Security Club gives students the opportunity to learn about operating systems and programming while also participating in the CyberPatriot competition that calls upon these skill sets.  Students involved in this club become more knowledgeable about cybersecurity and current trends within this field through dedicated study and from mentoring and lectures given by professionals in the industry.  Participation in the intense rounds of competition offers students the chance to experience the demands of correcting security vulnerabilities while also encouraging ongoing research and collaboration among club members.

    Click HERE to view an info flyer and learn more!

    Click HERE to register for the April 5th Capture the Flag Tournament.

    Moderator:  Mrs. Brown and Mr. Rick Mellendick
  • E-Sports

    Calvert Hall is excited to bring ESports to its already diverse lineup of clubs and activities. “ESports” is the term used to define organized, team-based video game competitions.  Students will be competing as part of a team of CHC students against students from other high schools throughout the country.  New this year, CHC has created state-of-the-art ESports Lab and Team Competition Space. The ESports team will compete in several team games such as Rocket League, Smash Bros., and other offerings.  As a club/activity in the SAO, students will be able to earn CHC letters and red championship jackets.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.
    Moderator: Mr. McMullen
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

    Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. (FBLA-PBL) is the largest career student business organization in the world. It is the premier United States high school student-to-student business association.  Calvert Hall participates in the Maryland state FBLA program.  The goal of the club is to prepare students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. The primary activities of the club include regional, state, and national level competitions and conferences.  The CHC chapter also hosts guest speakers and participates in service activities. 

    Moderator: Mr. Ryan
  • It's Academic

    The It's Academic Team provides an opportunity for the exercise of academic excellence. Broad knowledge and quick thinking skills are developed in a competitive atmosphere within a cooperative team framework. The team prepares for various academic competitions held during the school year by participating in question-and-answer practice sessions. The team participates in the Catholic Academic League, as well as other academic tournaments.

    Click HERE to view an info flyer about It's Academic!

    Moderator: Mr. Brown
  • Mock Trial Team

    The Mock Trial Team provides students with the opportunity to learn how the law plays an integral role in their lives.  In working with students, coaches strive to further students' understanding of, and appreciation for, our constitutional form of government.  The team achieves this by participating in the Citizenship Law-Related Education Program for the Schools of Maryland High School Mock Trial Competition. Calvert Hall competes against schools all over Baltimore County for local and state awards.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator: Mrs. Bassett 
  • Model United Nations Club (Model UN)

    The Model United Nations club, also known as Model UN, is an educational simulation and academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. Model UN involves and teaches research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. Participants in Model UN conferences, referred to as delegates, are placed in committees and assigned countries where they represent members of that body. They are presented with their assignments in advance, along with a topic or topics that their committee will discuss. Delegates conduct research before conferences and formulate positions that they will then debate with their fellow delegates in committee, staying true to the actual position of the member they represent. At the end of a conference, the best-performing delegates in each committee, as well as delegations, are sometimes recognized with awards. Model UN provides students with multiple opportunities to engage in the field of international studies. By participating in committees, listening to and asking questions of distinguished representatives of the international relations community, and meeting students from all over the globe.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    Moderator:  Mr. Shank
  • Robotics Team

    The CHC Robotics Program provides an opportunity for students to explore and apply Science, Technology, Engineering and Math skills in a creative, collaborative environment. The team uses CHC provided equipment made by Vex Robotics (V5 - VEX Robotics) and coded using a Robot specific C programming language. Robots are designed to compete in globally recognized games developed annually by the Robotics Education and Competition (REC) Foundation. Rules for the current game can be found at Competition - V5 - VEX Robotics . Students meet twice weekly in a dedicated Robotics Center on campus.

    Click HERE to view info flyer.

    For beginners, the Developmental Team focuses on teaching students the fundamentals of robot design, cooperative engineering, software coding, driver skills and game strategy. These teams build and code robots to compete in internal competitions. As students advance in knowledge, commitment, and skill, they may join the Competition Team which competes in local, state and worldwide events. These students refine their skills and concentrate on achieving excellence through reliable design, detailed documentation, verbal communication, strategic planning, and peer mentoring.
    Calvert Hall 5588 teams have won five of the past seven Maryland State Vex Robotics High School Championships and have earned the privilege to participate in eight Vex World Championships. 
    Moderator: Mr. Strong
  • Speech & Debate Team

    Calvert Hall Forensics (Speech and Debate) represents leadership, teamwork, and professionalism through public speaking. As members of the Baltimore Catholic Forensics League, the National Catholic Forensics League, and the National Speech and Debate Association, we aspire to encourage intellectual competition, commitment, and camaraderie as students compete throughout the year at local, regional, and national tournaments in individual public address speaking events, interpretation speech events, limited preparation events, and debate.

    Click HERE for flyer info.

    Moderator: Dr. Susko
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Club

    The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Club has an interest in the research and development of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones. We have built and flown fixed wing vehicles and quad copters. We have competed in the Student Unmanned Air Systems which is aimed at stimulating interest in innovative technology required to develop these systems. The competition challenges students to design, fabricate, and demonstrate a system capable of completing a specific autonomous aerial operation. The Cards have won the high school division and competed favorably with the many national and international universities. This year our club is looking to expand into mini drone racing and photography. Our club usually meets once a week on Mondays in room 109 and is always looking for enthusiastic members.

    Moderator:  Dr. Eaton