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Placement Testing Information

Placement Testing Dates

Saturday, April 27 or Saturday, May 4

  • Foreign Language - 9:00 a.m.
This test is for placement beyond Foreign Language I - optional. 

  • Mathematics - 10:30 a.m.
This test is for placement beyond Algebra I - optional. 

All current student accommodations will be honored during the Placement Exams.

Fill out the form below to select your placement testing date:

The answer keys are now available at the end of each practice placement test.

Placement Testing FAQs

List of 5 items.

  • What time should I be picked up from testing?

    Foreign Language testing will take approximately 75 minutes. Students only completing a Foreign Language placement test on their scheduled date will be finished around 10:15am

    Mathematics testing is untimed; therefore each student will finish his test at a different time. For the sake of planning, each specific test (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) should take approximately 45 minutes to complete. If your student is taking one Mathematics test, allot 45 minutes. If your student is taking two Mathematics tests, allot 1 hour and 30 minutes. If your student is taking three Mathematics tests, allot 2 hours and 15 minutes. 
  • How should I dress for testing?

    Each student should dress casual and comfortable. 
  • What should I bring on testing day?

    Each student should bring their own pencils. We will provide extras if the student's pencil breaks during the test. If you are taking the Mathematics placement test, students may bring a TI-83, TI-84, or a basic four-function calculator. Snacks and water bottles are permitted. 
  • How does CHC know which Mathematics placement test I wish to take?

    Students do not need to indicate what section(s) of the Mathematics placement test they are taking ahead of time. This will be handled and explained by their proctors on the day of testing. Every student taking the Mathematics placement test will complete the Algebra I placement test regardless of his current course in 8th grade. If a student is currently taking, or previously completed, a course in Geometry and/or Algebra II and wishes to take a test for either or both of those subjects, they can take those sections as well to try to place out of those courses. 
  • What time should I be dropped off for testing?

    Please arrive at the main entrance of Keelty Hall, 15 minutes before your testing begins on your scheduled date. Testing will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. for Foreign Language and 10:30 a.m. for Mathematics.

Other Important Dates & Information

List of 4 items.

  • Physicals & Vaccinations

    Physicals must be performed by a provider between May 31 and August 1, 2025. All forms must be signed and stamped by the provider. The School fully complies with Maryland laws with regard to student vaccinations (requiring DTaP - 3 doses; Tdap - 1 dose; Polio - 3 doses; MMR - 2 doses; Varicella - 2 doses; Hepatitis B - 3 doses; Meningococcal/MCV4 - 1 dose). No student may enter school until complete and up-to-date immunization records on file in the Health Suite. The School will only accept verifiable the medical exemptions signed off by a Primary Care Provider who has been regularly seeing the student. No other exemptions are considered. 
  • Band Activities

    May 13, 2025 - 7:00 p.m.
    Incoming Freshmen Band Parents' Meeting

    June 4, 2025 - 7:00 p.m.
    Band Parents' Organization Meeting

    June 30 - July 2, 2025
    Rookie Band Camp

    August 11 - 15 and August 18 - 22, 2025
    Band Camp
  • Fall Sports - Summer Tryouts

    Tryout dates are tentative & subject to change

    JV Cross Country
    Wednesday, August 6 - 3:30 PM - Paul Angelo Russo Stadium

    Freshmen/JV Football
    Monday, August 4 - 3:00 PM- Paul Angelo Russo Stadium

    Freshmen/JV Soccer
    Tuesday, August 12 - 3:30 PM - Carlo Crispino Stadium

    JV Water Polo
    Wednesday, August 6 - 5:00 PM - Hucht Pool

    JV Volleyball
    Monday, August 11 - 3:00 PM - Alumni Memorial Gymnasium
  • Freshmen Orientation

    August 18 - 21, 2025
    Freshmen Connection & Adventure Days

    Wednesday, August 27, 2025
    Freshmen Orientation
    Details to follow in future mailings
    *Please note this date is a change to what is reflected in the program handed out at the Class of 2029 Welcome Night event